Every day presents an opportunity for us to learn something new. It doesn't have to be anything groundbreaking or profound, but you can always learn something. Regardless of what you're currently doing or where you are in life, you can still get a little extra piece of knowledge each day.

When we are in school, the obvious option here is to learn something about what you are studying.

As we venture out into the "real world", those opportunities may not be always so clear. Anyone in a profession needs to keep their skills sharp as job requirements change over time. This is useful, tangible knowledge that benefits you professionally.

Self-reflection is another option here. Taking a moment to evaluate how you felt or acted in a situation (good or bad) can teach you something about yourself. Most of us are so unaware of our feelings and actions, and more importantly, why we felt or acted that way. Learning about what motivates you, what frustrates you, what brings you joy can help you live a happier, healthier life.

So, what did you learn today?

We are always a student

Learning about what motivates you, what frustrates you, what brings you joy can help you live a happier, healthier life. So, what did you learn today?