I took a bit of time this week to review and revise my daily information workflow. I've written it down on my wiki in case you're interested.
Calling it a workflow might be stretching the definition of "workflow" a bit, but the whole idea behind it is to have a process to handle the deluge of information coming my way. I need a way to filter out what's important, action what I should, and store information that's worth keeping.
There's simply too much coming in. I need a plan. And that's what my workflow provides.
Having that workflow is important, but it's also important to review it every once in a while to see if it's still serving me. What worked for me 6 months ago isn't necessarily going to work for me now.
This time, I made two changes. First, I made it slightly easier to enter things into Todoist, first by reminding myself of the global hotkey on my computer to add a new task, and secondly by adding a quick-access button on my phone. Both of those reduce the friction for inputting a task. Secondly, I reinforced that I need to review my to-do list twice a day to see if what I'm putting on there is actually realistic (spoiler alert: there's usually items that can be deleted).
Do you have an information workflow that you follow? Let me know!