I took a bit of time this week to review and revise my daily information workflow. I've written it down on my wiki in case you're interested.
Calling it a workflow might be stretching the definition of "workflow" a bit, but the whole idea behind it is to have a process to handle the deluge of information coming my way. I need a way to filter out what's important, action what I should, and store information that's worth keeping.
There's simply too much coming in. I need a plan. And that's what my workflow provides.
Having that workflow is important, but it's also important to review it every once in a while to see if it's still serving me. What worked for me 6 months ago isn't necessarily going to work for me now.
This time, I made two changes. First, I made it slightly easier to enter things into Todoist, first by reminding myself of the global hotkey on my computer to add a new task, and secondly by adding a quick-access button on my phone. Both of those reduce the friction for inputting a task. Secondly, I reinforced that I need to review my to-do list twice a day to see if what I'm putting on there is actually realistic (spoiler alert: there's usually items that can be deleted).
Do you have an information workflow that you follow? Let me know!
half•alive's album is pretty catchy if you like that indie pop sound, but "still feel." is a banger of a song regardless. This gets stuck in my head on a regular basis. Fun fact: the room that the music video is filmed in is the same room that was used for Batman's Batcave in The Dark Knight!
If you're looking at creating your own information workflow, this is a good starting point. It's not completely fleshed out, but that's the point: it's a good introduction to get you started.
Most computers track time by incrementing a number over time. So...what happens when the world's time needs to adjust by a single second to keep in sync with the earth?
Finding the balance between working on my main job and my own side projects is challenging. Unfortunately, money can be one of those motivating factors impacting my decisions.