The best way to figure out if you enjoy something is to try it yourself.
If your friend suggests you listen to a new genre of music, listening to that genre of music is the only way you'd really be able to know for sure if you'll like it. The same thing goes for food, sports, books, games, and really any other experience.
Your career path is no exception. If you're wondering whether a career path is right for you, you can certainly weigh the pros and cons of what you know, but the only way to know for sure is to experience it yourself.
This poses an interesting question, though: how much do you need to experience something before you can know whether it's worth pursuing further? For food, the stakes are low, and usually within a few bites (and depending on the food, the morning after) you'll know if you like it or not. Music might take a while to really get a feel for it.
Long-term career decisions can require more time to figure out, especially if, for the first while, you're still in the honeymoon phase of the job. As you spend more time doing the job, you'll experience more of what it really means to be in that career. More experience enables you to make the ultimate decision: do I stay in this role, or do I move on to something else?
Where's the tipping point? At what point do you say "enough" and move on? What are the risks and rewards for staying with a decision, or moving on from it?
If it's food, the risk is low. The risk is you don't finish your meal today. You can always order the same dish next time.
Career decisions can have a longer impact. You need more data to make an informed decision.
The challenge is finding that tipping point.
When is "enough"?
The best way to figure out if you enjoy something is to try it yourself. But how long do you have to try it before knowing if you actually enjoy it?