We're on the tail-end of a particularly snowy winter here. And a byproduct of our winters is that we have snowbanks over six feet high. They're so high that, as a driver, it's virtually impossible to see around them sometimes. Unless you're a kid looking to build a snow fort, they are almost universally hated.

Unless you're a squirrel, apparently.

I was walking my dog this past weekend, and a squirrel ran across the street in front of us. That squirrel darted from a tree on the left, across the street, and up another tree on the right.

In the summer, that squirrel would traverse the branches, run down the trunk of the tree, and do the reverse on the other side.

Instead, that squirrel took full advantage of the snowbanks that almost touched the bottom branches of the trees, and simply walked down and up the snowbanks. This squirrel saw opportunity when every human in its midst can't wait for them to melt.

Animals do this with plenty of human-created structures. Overhead power lines and fences provide a highway for easy movement throughout a neighbourhood.

Where others see an obstacle, look for an opportunity.


Where others see an obstacle, look for an opportunity.